Représentation Entity Graph
hrrdf:WorkerTypePropriétés de l'objet
hrrdf:WorkerTypePropriété | Type(s) cible | Description |
Propriétés de WorkerType | ||
establishmentIds | IdentifierType | Identifiers of the related establishments. |
laborBargainingUnitIndicator | IndicatorType | Indicates if the person is part of a labor bargaining unit, such as a union. |
officerIndicator | IndicatorType | Indicates whether the worker is classified as an officer. |
payCycleIntervalCode | Concept | How often the pay cycle occurs or how often a person is paid, e.g., weekly, biweekly, etc. |
person | SubscriberPersonType PayrollPersonType CandidatePersonType EntityType ScreeningPersonType SpecifiedPersonType PersonLegalType | Information to identify the person, including name, communication, demographic details and other identifiers. |
primaryWorkLocation | AddressType | The primary address where the work is performed. |
stockOwnerIndicator | IndicatorType | Indicates whether the worker is a stock owner. |
stockOwnerPercentage | PercentType | The percentage of stock ownership. |
unemploymentCompensationCoverageIndicator | IndicatorType | An indicator of whether the employee is covered by some type of unemployment insurance. |
wageHourLawCoverageIndicator | IndicatorType | This determines if a person is covered by wage hour laws. In the US, a person would be considered non-exempt if the indicator is true (they are covered under the law). |
workAssignments | WorkAssignmentType | The assignments for the worker. An assignment may override the position and/or job information. |
workerCompensationCoverageIndicator | IndicatorType | An indicator of whether the employee is covered by some type of worker compensation insurance. |
workerId | IdentifierType | Provides a unique identifier to a specific worker (an employer specific identifier). |
workerLifeCyle | WorkLifeCycleType | Contains a collection of information about a period of employment, including hire, leaves of absence, and termination. |
workerTypeCode | Concept | The relationship of the worker to the organization. Options are Employee, Vendor Employee, Independent Contractor, Volunteer. |
workRelationshipStatus | WorkRelationshipStatusType | The date and status of the worker in relation to the assignment. |
Propriétés de NounType | ||
alternateIds | IdentifierType | An array of other identifiers for the candidate profile. These may be identifiers assigned by other trading partners or third party systems. |
documentId | IdentifierType | Provides the Identifier(s) of the document being communicated. Uniquely identifies a Document within an organization. |
Propriétés de DataProtectionPolicyInclusion | ||
dataProtectionPolicy | Unamed__dataProtectionPolicy | |
Propriétés de LocalizationInclusion | ||
language | Concept |
Classes plus spécifiques
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Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe
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Mais sans doute l'une des classes parentes suivantes:Examples
hrrdf:WorkerType@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024