Représentation Entity Graph
hrrdf:OrderTypePropriétés de l'objet
hrrdf:OrderTypePropriété | Type(s) cible | Description |
Propriétés de OrderType | ||
aLaCarteItems | ALaCarteScreenType | Individual screens that are part of this order. |
assessmentAccess | AssessmentAccessType | This is a set of information used to provide the assessment subject access to a test that has been ordered. |
assessmentAccessURL | RedirectUrlType | The URL that the Requestor will re-direct the candidate to in order to complete the assessment. |
assessmentLanguageCodes | Concept | The language in which the assessment is required. |
assessmentRequesterName | string | The individual that makes the request. |
assessmentResultLanguageCodes | Concept | The language in which the assessment results are required. |
assessmentStatus | Concept | Code indicating the status of an assessment. |
code | CodeType string Concept | Specifies an optional field to be used by parties for communication of an additional piece of data such as accounting code, billing identifier, department identifier, or location information. |
comparisonGroupIds | IdentifierType | Indicates the applicable group for comparing assessment or appraisal results. |
documentSequence | integer float | The DocumentSequence serves as an identifier on the different instances of a noun in a message instance; the sequence numbers are specific to the message instance |
invitationByPartyCode | Concept | Specifies who will send the invitation to the candidate. Options are the Customer or the Supplier. |
onCompletionURL | RedirectUrlType | Specifies the URL to direct the candidate to after the assessment is complete. |
packageCode | CodeType | The code corresponding to a screening package. |
packageId | IdentifierType | This is the 'Package ID' used to order a set of assessment services. |
packages | AssessmentPackageType AssessmentPackagesType PackageType | Array of packages used in staged assessments. |
purpose | string TextType | The reason why this report is requested (e.g. Court Order/Subpoena, Employment, Insurance Underwriting). |
referenceObject | ReferenceObjectTypeArray | Reference to the data required for the package. |
sendAssessmentResultsToURL | RedirectUrlType | Specifies the URL to direct the candidate to after the assessment is complete. |
subject | AssessmentSubjectType SubjectType | The person who will be the subject of the assessment. |
subjectId | IdentifierType EntityType | Primary identifier for the person to be assessed.The test taker or person who takes the assessment or is assessed. |
testLocationId | IdentifierType | An identifier for the location of a testing site or test center where a test was taken. If a test center does not have an identifier, then the name will be used as the identifier in the value property. |
Propriétés de NounType | ||
alternateIds | IdentifierType | An array of other identifiers for the candidate profile. These may be identifiers assigned by other trading partners or third party systems. |
documentId | IdentifierType | Provides the Identifier(s) of the document being communicated. Uniquely identifies a Document within an organization. |
Propriétés de DataProtectionPolicyInclusion | ||
dataProtectionPolicy | Unamed__dataProtectionPolicy | |
Propriétés de LocalizationInclusion | ||
language | Concept | |
Propriétés de PartyInclusion | ||
party | Unamed__party |
Classes plus spécifiques
hrrdf:OrderTypePas de classes plus spécifiques
Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe
hrrdf:OrderTypeLes instances de OrderType peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :
Propriété | Description | Classe(s) avec cette propriété |
order | Information on the order of source. | AssessmentType CandidateSourceType ScreeningType |
hrrdf:OrderType@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024