Représentation Entity Graph
skos:ConceptPropriétés de l'objet
skos:ConceptPropriété | Type(s) cible | Description |
Propriétés de Concept | ||
mnx:color | Literal Literal Literal | |
mnx:conceptOf | Vocabulary | |
mnx:isDraft | Literal | |
is in semantic relation with | Concept | |
is top concept in scheme | Concept Scheme |
Classes plus spécifiques
skos:ConceptPropriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe
skos:ConceptLes instances de Concept peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :
Propriété | Description | Classe(s) avec cette propriété |
accountBasedProductCode | The code classifying the type of account based product. | AccountBasedCoverageType |
affiliationTypeCode | The type of association or organization with which a person is affiliated. In most contexts, this would be an organizational affiliation other than that with an employer. Typically, would be an affiliation with an association, trade organization, or union. | OrganizationAffiliationType |
agencyRole | IdSetType | |
approvalStatusCode | Status of the approval process for a position opening; typical values: InReview, Approved, NotApproved. | PositionOpeningType |
assessmentLanguageCode | TestInstanceType | |
assessmentLanguageCodes | The language in which the assessment is required. | OrderType |
assessmentResultLanguageCodes | The language in which the assessment results are required. | OrderType |
assessmentStatus | Code indicating the status of an assessment. | OrderType AssessmentResultType |
assessmentTypeCodes | An array of assessment type codes for the test package. | AssessmentApplicabilityType |
assignmentReasonCode | The reason a person is assigned to the position, e.g. Hire, Transfer, Promotion, etc. | DeploymentType |
assignmentTermTypeCode | The code of the assignment term. Values include Fixed, Permanent, Casual, Seasonal. | WorkAssignmentType |
baseCurrencyCode | The base currency code of the value. | RateType |
baseUnitCode | The base unit code of the value. | RateType |
basisCode | A code classifying the primary method of payment for the associated position or employment. This classifies the method by which remuneration for a position is provided or calculated. | RemunerationPackageType |
basisOfTarget | Basis of Target e.g., Base Pay, Base Pay plus Mandatory Bonus, etc | Unamed__clientProvidedTarget |
candidateRelationshipCode | A code classifying the relationship of a candidate to a (potential) employer. | CandidateRelationshipType |
careerLevelCode | The code representing the career level. | AssessmentApplicabilityType PositionType |
careerLevelCodes | A list of career levels which are preferred to the candidate. This describes the experience level, management level, or other levels of measuring a career. | PositionPreferenceType |
categoryCode | A code to represent the category of required experience. | ExperienceCategoryType WellnessActivityType WellnessRequestSummaryType WellnessSummaryActivityType JobType |
citizenship | The citizenships that a person holds. This is a legal citizenship in a country (as opposed to nationality which may or may not be a country). | PersonBaseType |
code | Specifies an optional field to be used by parties for communication of an additional piece of data such as accounting code, billing identifier, department identifier, or location information. | OrderType Unamed__surveyJobCodeLevel Unamed__surveyJobCodeSpeciality DispositionStatusType Unamed__workingLanguages EntityType MessageInclusion ResponsibleType ProcessActionType ProcessStatusType SpecialClassificationType SpecialClassificationTypeArray |
contributionType | EmployerContributionType | |
contributorCode | A code identifying the source of the election. | ElectionType |
country | The Country (represented by an ISO 3166 2 letter code) under which the data protection policy applies. If the policy applies to the world, the country is optional. | Unamed__geoRestrictions |
countryCode | Two letter country codes as defined by ISO 3166-1:2013. Content referenced from Wikipedia. | PlanSetupType ExtendedPositionClassificationType AddressType JurisdictionType PaymentMethodType MilitaryServiceType EmploymentPermitType |
coverageEntityCode | RateBasedCoverageType | |
currency | The currency of the amount. | AmountType MonetaryAmountDistributionType MonetaryAmountType |
currencyCode | The currency code of the value. | RateType PaymentMethodType |
cycleCode | The cycle to which the wellness is related. e.g. Day, Week, Month, Year | TimeWorkedRoundingType WellnessRequestSummaryType |
degreeGrantedStatus | Current education degree granted status. | EducationDegreeType |
direction | SearchOrderType | |
disabilityLevelCode | A value from an external code list classifying the level of disability. A simple example code list: 1 - need for another persons assistance with daily life tasks; 2 - inability to perform one or more sensory or physical functions; 3 - experiencing difficulties in multiple sensory or physical functions; 4 - experiencing difficulty in just one function; and 5 - no limitations in functioning. | DEPositionClassificationType DisabilitySummaryType |
encoding | BinaryObjectType | |
familyRelationshipCode | BeneficiaryType | |
finalFilingRuleCode | A code classifying the participant's employment status associated with the final filing rule. | FinalFilingRuleType |
finalFilingRuleTypeCode | A code classifying the type associated with the final filing rule. | FinalFilingRuleType |
frequencyCode | The frequency of the given election. | ElectionType |
gender | The gender of a person. | PersonBaseType |
geographicResponsibilityCode | A code that classifies the geographic level at which the organization operates. | OrganizationType |
grantType | A set of codes classifying the compensation stock grant types. | LongTermIncentivePlanType |
homeCountry | The native country of the person. | WorkerAssignmentSourceType |
hostCountry | The country where the person is working. | WorkerAssignmentSourceType |
intensity | WellnessActivityType | |
intervalCode | The frequency at which an earning is 'earned'. E.g. how often the worker is paid the associated earning. | PayRateType RemunerationOrDeductionType RemunerationRangeType DeploymentType |
invitationByPartyCode | Specifies who will send the invitation to the candidate. Options are the Customer or the Supplier. | OrderType |
iscedEducationLevelCode | ISCED: International Standard Classification of Education - is the standard classification of the education level of this requirement. | EducationRequirementType EducationDegreeType |
language | LocalizationInclusion | |
languageCode | The default language in which the position is presented to the outside world. | AssessmentResultType AsynchronousOrderType InterviewPositionType SynchronousOrderType NameType TextType PersonProfileInclusion PublicationType |
lifeCoverageStatus | RateBasedCoverageType | |
matchMode | Mode for matching - to fulfill the condition: 'allOf': all search values have to be found, 'anyOf': at least one search value has to be found, 'oneOf': exactly one search value has to be found, 'noneOf': none search value is found. | Unamed__terms |
ownershipType | A code that classifies the ownership of the organization. | OrganizationType |
payCycleCode | Describes how often the payee is paid. Pay Frequency - The period of time covered by the employee's regular pay checks. (EER WG, HR-Open Data Element Requirements) (xmi_attribute) | WorkAssignmentType |
payCycleIntervalCode | How often the pay cycle occurs or how often a person is paid, e.g., weekly, biweekly, etc. | WorkerType |
periodType | WellnessActivityType | |
planType | A set of codes classifying the compensation stock grant types. | LongTermIncentivePlanType |
policy | The description of the data protection policy (optionally associated with the country and optional region). | Unamed__geoRestrictions |
positionOfferingTypeCodes | These are values that are descriptive in classifying a position within advertising or communications of a position opportunity or offering. Note that these classifications are useful within advertising, but they are not precise classes useful internally to drive pay, benefits, and HR compliance. This is an enumerated list. | PositionPreferenceType |
positionOfferingTypes | These are values that are descriptive in classifying a position within advertising or communications of a position opportunity or "offering". Note that these classifications are useful within advertising, but they are not precise classes useful internally to drive pay, benefits, and HR compliance. Enumerated values are: DirectHire, Temporary, TemporaryToHire, ContractToHire, Contract, Internship, Externship, Apprenticeship, Seasonal, Student and Volunteer. Consider that "Temporary" and "DirectHire" are not parallel concepts, but are still commonly used in classifying jobs within advertising. | BasePositionProfileType |
positionScheduleType | The type of position schedule. Values include FullTime, PartTime, SharedTime and FlexTime. | PositionType |
positionScheduleTypeCodes | Values that classify the working schedule of a position offered or a position sought. Essentially, whether a position offered or sought is full-time or part-time or has provision for flexible scheduling. Intended to classify schedule position preferences of a candidate or conversely employer preferences or requirements related to candidates with respect to an advertised position. Used in the context of matching candidates to positions. This is an enumerated list. | PositionPreferenceType PositionProfileType |
positionStatusCode | Defines the status of the position. Options may be Approved, Active, Filled, Frozen, Cancelled. | PositionType |
positionTermTypeCode | The code of the term of the position. Values include Fixed, Permanent, Casual, Seasonal. | PositionType |
positionTypeCode | Deprecated. Do Not Use. Use the PositionTypeCode in PositionType or Deployment/PositionType instead. | EmployeeType PositionType |
preferredLanguage | Preferred language between the candidate and the interviewing system. | CandidateContactType |
primaryLanguage | PersonReferenceType | |
productCode | A code to identify the type of plan. | PlanSetupType |
productTypeCode | RateBasedCoverageType | |
rateBasedProductCode | RateBasedCoverageType | |
rateIntervalCode | Frequency of reward payments | Unamed__clientProvidedValue |
relationship | The relationship of the Referee to the person. | RefereeType |
relationshipCode | The code classifying the dependent type. | DependentType |
remunerationBasisCode | A code classifying the primary method by which remuneration for a position is provided or calculated. Examples include Hourly, Salaried, Salaried plus Commission, Commission Only, Salaried plus Bonus, etc. | PositionType |
remunerationCode | BenefitsLeaveType LeaveType | |
reportLanguageCodes | Available languages for the assessment report. | AssessmentFulfillmentType |
requestedUnitType | The Type of the Units, for example, Hours, Days, Pieces made, etc. | RemunerationOrDeductionType |
requestProcessingStatusCode | The processing status code for the request. | ResponseMessageBaseInclusion |
requestResultStatusCode | The result status code for the request. | AtomicResponseMessageType BulkResponseMessageType |
residenceCountry | The country (or countries) where a person currently resides. | PersonBaseType |
resourceRelationshipCode | The relationship of the person to the organization - an employee or an employee of another company (contract or temporary staffing). | PositionHistoryType DeploymentType |
resourceResultStatusCode | A code classifying the event associated with the waiting rule. | ResourceMessageInclusion |
responsibilityCode | The level or the responsibility at which the organization operates. | OrganizationReferenceType |
restrictionCodes | A list of codes defining the scope of restrictions of work locations allowed for or desired for remote work. | RemoteWorkType |
rewardCode | A code that describes the type of remuneration being paid | RewardType ResultType |
roleCode | The role of the party or person making the position posting. | Unamed__postingRequester SpecifiedPersonType |
scoreCode | ScoreNumericType | |
serviceAvailabilityCode | Indicates availability of the package. | AssessmentPackageType |
sourceCode | Describes the worker relationship to their native country; e.g. Domestic, Inpatriate, Expatriate, Local National, Third Country National | WorkerAssignmentSourceType |
stateCode | TimecardType | |
status | Acknowledged by Provider, Invitations Sent, In Progress, Expired, Complete, Canceled, Position Created, etc. | StatusNotificationType SubjectDisclosureType CommentType ProcessHistoryItemType CertificationType PatentType |
statusCode | HTTP Status Code. | RedirectUrlType BenefitsLeaveType PositionOpeningType ItemBase StatusType RemunerationOrDeductionType DeploymentType LeaveType WorkRelationshipStatusType |
timeOffPayType | Type of compensation, e.g. bereavement, jury duty, sick, etc. | TimeOffCompensationAmountType |
timeOffTypeCode | The type of hours a worker took off, such as bereavement, jury duty, vacation, etc. | TimeOffHoursType |
type | The time the condition should be processed in relation to each item in the array. | Conditions ShiftCompensationType CandidateSourceType SubjectDisclosureType CommentType AddressComponentType MessageInclusion CertificationType EducationSpecializationType PublicationType EmployeeReportingCodeType |
typeCode | Type code for an additional amount. | AdditionalAmountType AdditionalItemType BenefitsHireType CoverageLevelType NonVoluntaryBenefitAmountType VoluntaryBenefitAmountType TaxableCompensationType WithholdingAmountType Unamed__applicationCloseDate TimeCardItemType WorkLocationType RemunerationOrDeductionType RemunerationRangeType WorkAllocationType HireType |
unitCode | The unit of wellness being measured. e.g. steps, strokes, cycles. | TimeWorkedRoundingType WellnessRequestSummaryType MeasureType QuantityType RateType Unamed__distance Unamed__rangeNumber |
units | The unit of wellness being measured. e.g. steps, strokes, cycles. | WellnessActivityType WellnessSummaryActivityType |
vestingSchedule | Values that classify the various vesting schedules | LongTermIncentivePlanType |
wageHourLawCoverageCountryCode | The country the wage hour laws pertain to. | DeploymentType |
waitingRuleEventCode | A code classifying the event associated with the waiting rule. | WaitingRuleType |
waitingRuleTypeCode | A code classifying the type associated with the waiting rule. | WaitingRuleType |
weekday | DayScheduleType | |
workedPayTypeCode | Type of compensation, e.g. holiday, overtime, shift differential, etc. | WorkedCompensationAmountType WorkedHoursType |
workerTypeCode | The relationship of the worker to the organization. Options are Employee, Vendor Employee, Independent Contractor, Volunteer. | WorkerType |
workingLanguageCodes | A code classifying the language or languages used within the workplace or associated with work. This is intended to communicate general information about the language(s) used within the work environment or correspondingly general information about a candidate's specific language preferences. This component might be offered as descriptive 'pre-qualification' information on a position announcement. It might appear within the context of a Candidate Profile as a general statement of a candidate's general language capabilities or preferences. WorkingLanguageCode is not intended as a statement of language proficiency or specific requirement relating to language proficiency. Specific information regarding language proficiency should be covered either within PersonCompetency or PositionCompetency as may be appropriate. | PositionPreferenceType |
workLocationCodes | A list of codes defining work locations allowed for or desired for remote work. | RemoteWorkType |
workRelationshipType | This property is deprecated starting with release 4.3. Use ResourceRelationshipCodeList instead. | ContractType |
experience Type | The type of experience : vocational, professional, personal, test, .. | Experience |
experience Status | The experience status : past, ongoing, suggested | Experience |
category | The skill group as defined in skos collections, e.g. hard skills/soft skills | Skill |
skill level value | The skill level as defined as a value on a scale | Skill |
source skill ID | The dataprovider's unique concept skill identifier | Skill |
polarity value | The polarity defined as a value on a scale | Polarity |
mnx:hasConcept | Tagging | |
mnx:subject | Tagging | |
concept | gives the concept which is being measured or indicated by a ComponentProperty | Component property (abstract) |
has top concept | Concept Scheme | |
is in semantic relation with | Concept |
skos:Concept@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024