- An array of descriptions for the package.
- Result descriptions.
- A list of text descriptions of the candidate preferences for an employer.
- Description of required experience.
- Descriptions of the educational requirements for the position.
- Descriptions of the working period.
- Text describing any special considerations about relocation.
- Text describing any special travel preferences or considerations.
- Descriptions of the attachment reference.
- Descriptions of the attachment.
- Description of the evidence requirement.
- Additional details or descriptions about the history item.
- Additional details or descriptions about the history entry.
- Other descriptions of the affiliated organization.
- A description of the item. Note(s): Some online job boards and other services (e.g., Google Jobs) require the general description of a JobPosting to be HTML tagged; in such instances, use the formattedDescription property (if available) instead of the description property.
Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)
hrrdf:descriptionsNote: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue
Cette propriété est associée aux classes :
hrrdf:descriptionsNom | Description |
AssessmentAdministrationType | Provides details for the administration of an assessment. |
AssessmentApplicabilityType | Provides details for the applicability of an assessment test. |
AssessmentFulfillmentType | A set of information describing options and characteristics relating to the way an assessment result is provided. For example, the language or available languages of the assessment report; the period for which the result is recognized as valid or reliable, the name or identity of the scoring profile used in calculating the result; etc. |
AssessmentPackageType | |
AssessmentAccessType | This is a set of information used to provide the assessment subject access to a test that has been ordered. |
AssessmentPackagesType | Array of packages used in staged assessments. |
AssessmentScoreType | This is the test score type structure. |
DistributionType | The person or organization to which objects should (not) be distributed, and the related effective dates. |
EmployerPreferenceType | Contains a collection of information about a candidate's preferences in an ideal employer or company. |
EducationRequirementType | |
ExperienceCategoryType | |
WorkingPeriodType | |
RelocationType | Information about relocation. |
TravelType | Information regarding travel - preferences or necessities. |
AttachmentReferenceType | A reference to an attachment that is within the current context of the document, or an external reference. |
AttachmentType | Embedded attachment data or URL to actual attachment. |
CompetencyEvidenceType | A document or other record providing evidence of a competency or that is treated as a proxy for the existence of the competency. Examples include: an assessment result; a performance appraisal; an educational degree; a supervisor's observation; etc. |
RemunerationPackageType | Terms offered or agreed regarding remuneration for a position. May include pay as well as benefits in-kind. |
ProcessHistoryItemType | Describes a single workflow process history step or item. |
BaseHistoryType | Basic type that contains all properties common to a person's profile history entry - intended for use in education history, employment history or military history. |
CertificationType | A document or confirmation certifying the status or acquirements of the bearer, or his fulfillment of conditions which authorize him to act or practise in a specified way; hence, often equal to a certificate. |
OrganizationAffiliationType | Contains information about a person's affiliation with a trade, professional, or similar organization or group formed around a common purpose or cause. |
PatentType | Basic type that contains all properties common to represent a patent. |
AssessmentProfileType | Entity that describes the key characteristics of an assessment administered to candidates for a job. |
AnnotatedDefinedTermType | Word, name, acronym, phrase, defined in a controlled value space (e.g., taxonomy, glossary, dictionary, tag list, and other forms of enumeration). Note(s): Used in the context of JDX to assign terms from occupation, industry and instructional program classifications, skills and abilities, and abstract concepts to JDX entities. Through the class' relationship with the ScaledAnnotation class, terms can be conditioned through applications of scales for attributes such as importance and frequency. |
ContactPointType | Contact point—for example, for information about a job opening or interview. |
CredentialType | Entity describing authoritative permission to hold a certain status or to do certain things, e.g. to practice some trade or profession. |
DefinedTermSetType | A set of defined terms for example a set of categories or a classification scheme, a glossary, dictionary or enumeration. |
JDXOrganizationType | An organization such as a corporate body, employer, distribution channel provider. |
JobDescriptionType | Entity providing a statement of a job position generally including the formal job title, duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope, reporting relationships and working conditions along with the knowledge, skills, abilities, education, qualifications, experience and other requirements for performing the job. |
MonetaryAmountType | A monetary value or range. Note(s): This type can be used to describe an amount of money such as $50 USD, or a range as in describing a bank account being suitable for a balance between £1,000 and £1,000,000 GBP, or the value of a salary, etc. |
QualifyingExperienceType | Entity describing verifiable work, education or training experience supporting a person's qualification to perform the tasks and responsibilities of a position. Note(s): A QualifyingExperience that results in the award of some form of credential should use the Credential class to describe that award. |
ScaleAnnotationType | Resource for identifying and applying a defined scale or rating to another resource. Note(s): Used, for example, when applying an importance scale to a competency identified in an instance of the AnnotatedDefinedTerm class. |
MindMatcher.org - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024