

- Specifies an optional field to be used by parties for communication of an additional piece of data such as accounting code, billing identifier, department identifier, or location information.

- A code representing the level of a survey job

- A code representing the specialization of a survey job

- The code of the disposition status.

- A code which can be expressed as enumeration.

- The code that classifies the message.

- The code of the executed action, process, or step.

- The code of the status of the underlying item.

- A code indicating the special classification.

Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)


Note: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue

erDiagram OrderType }o..o{ CodeType : code OrderType }o..o{ string : code OrderType }o..o{ Concept : code Unamed__surveyJobCodeLevel }o..o{ CodeType : code Unamed__surveyJobCodeLevel }o..o{ string : code Unamed__surveyJobCodeLevel }o..o{ Concept : code Unamed__surveyJobCodeSpeciality }o..o{ CodeType : code Unamed__surveyJobCodeSpeciality }o..o{ string : code Unamed__surveyJobCodeSpeciality }o..o{ Concept : code DispositionStatusType }o..o{ CodeType : code DispositionStatusType }o..o{ string : code DispositionStatusType }o..o{ Concept : code Unamed__workingLanguages }o..o{ CodeType : code Unamed__workingLanguages }o..o{ string : code Unamed__workingLanguages }o..o{ Concept : code EntityType }o..o{ CodeType : code EntityType }o..o{ string : code EntityType }o..o{ Concept : code MessageInclusion }o..o{ CodeType : code MessageInclusion }o..o{ string : code MessageInclusion }o..o{ Concept : code ResponsibleType }o..o{ CodeType : code ResponsibleType }o..o{ string : code ResponsibleType }o..o{ Concept : code ProcessActionType }o..o{ CodeType : code ProcessActionType }o..o{ string : code ProcessActionType }o..o{ Concept : code ProcessStatusType }o..o{ CodeType : code ProcessStatusType }o..o{ string : code ProcessStatusType }o..o{ Concept : code SpecialClassificationType }o..o{ CodeType : code SpecialClassificationType }o..o{ string : code SpecialClassificationType }o..o{ Concept : code SpecialClassificationTypeArray }o..o{ CodeType : code SpecialClassificationTypeArray }o..o{ string : code SpecialClassificationTypeArray }o..o{ Concept : code

Cette propriété est associée aux classes :

OrderTypeRepresents an Assessments Order for HR Open Standards.
Unamed__surveyJobCodeLevelCode classifying the survey job code levels e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4
Unamed__surveyJobCodeSpecialityCode classifying the survey job code specialities e.g., 'Exec Comp', 'Cash Comp', 'Sales Comp', etc.
DispositionStatusTypeContains the related disposition or status of a candidate related to a specific position opening.
EntityTypeA description of an entity with id, name and code.
MessageInclusionHuman readable description of the response message.
ResponsibleTypeA collection of information about the person who is the submitter/approver of the associated document.
ProcessActionTypeThe type of action, process, or step that was executed.
ProcessStatusTypeA type defining the status of the underlying item.
SpecialClassificationTypeA special classification of the Employee e.g. a VIP, Owner, Highly Compensated, Stock Owner, Executive, Officer, etc.
SpecialClassificationTypeArrayA special classification of the Employee e.g. a VIP, Owner, Highly Compensated, Stock Owner, Executive, Officer, etc.

Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :

CodeTypeA code is a character string of letters, numbers, special characters (except escape sequences), and symbols. It represents a definitive value, a method, or a property description in an abbreviated or language-independent form that is part of a finite list of allowed values. Use this schema when there is a defined list of values but the owner is unknown or private, the values may not be referenced, or there is no validation possible.
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