- A code to represent the category of required experience.
- A wellness category being measured. e.g. walking, swimming, running, biking.
- The wellness code being evaluated. e.g. walking, swimming, running, biking.
- A code classifying the job category code. Examples include Officials And Managers, Professionals, Technicians, Sales, Official And Clerical, Craft Worker Skilled, Operative Semi-Skilled, Laborers Unskilled, Service Workers, etc.
Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)
Note: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue
ExperienceCategoryType }o..o{ CodeType : categoryCode
ExperienceCategoryType }o..o{ Concept : categoryCode
WellnessActivityType }o..o{ CodeType : categoryCode
WellnessActivityType }o..o{ Concept : categoryCode
WellnessRequestSummaryType }o..o{ CodeType : categoryCode
WellnessRequestSummaryType }o..o{ Concept : categoryCode
WellnessSummaryActivityType }o..o{ CodeType : categoryCode
WellnessSummaryActivityType }o..o{ Concept : categoryCode
JobType }o..o{ CodeType : categoryCode
JobType }o..o{ Concept : categoryCode
Cette propriété est associée aux classes :
Nom | Description |
ExperienceCategoryType | |
WellnessActivityType | The record of an activity related to wellness. |
WellnessRequestSummaryType | A summary of a wellness report related to the request. |
WellnessSummaryActivityType | The summary of activity related to wellness |
JobType | A job serves as a template for more specifically defined positions and assignments in a company, in part, to provide equitable opportunity for similar work done across disparate business units inside and outside the organization |
Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :
Nom | Description |
CodeType | A code is a character string of letters, numbers, special characters (except escape sequences), and symbols. It represents a definitive value, a method, or a property description in an abbreviated or language-independent form that is part of a finite list of allowed values. Use this schema when there is a defined list of values but the owner is unknown or private, the values may not be referenced, or there is no validation possible. |
Concept | - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022