Représentation Entity Graph
hrrdf:WorkedCompensationAmountTypePropriétés de l'objet
hrrdf:WorkedCompensationAmountTypePropriété | Type(s) cible | Description |
Propriétés de WorkedCompensationAmountType | ||
description | string TextType | A description of the level of a survey job |
workedPayAmount | AmountType | The monetary value paid to the worker. |
workedPayTypeCode | Concept | Type of compensation, e.g. holiday, overtime, shift differential, etc. |
Classes plus spécifiques
hrrdf:WorkedCompensationAmountTypePas de classes plus spécifiques
Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe
hrrdf:WorkedCompensationAmountTypeLes instances de WorkedCompensationAmountType peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :
Propriété | Description | Classe(s) avec cette propriété |
otherCompensationAmount | The monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid to a worker other than salary, hourly wages, and paid leave. Includes, but is not limited to bonuses, commissions, lump-sum, residuals, severance, tips, and incentive, piecework, production-based payments, and buy back of accrued leave. | DirectCompensationType |
premiumHourlyWagesAmount | The monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services. | DirectCompensationType |
regularHourlyWagesAmount | The monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services. | DirectCompensationType |
hrrdf:WorkedCompensationAmountType@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024