Représentation Entity Graph
Propriétés de l'objet
Propriété | Type(s) cible | Description |
Propriétés de PersonType | ||
Propriétés de PersonBaseType | ||
birthDate | DateType | The birth date of a person. |
citizenship | Concept | The citizenships that a person holds. This is a legal citizenship in a country (as opposed to nationality which may or may not be a country). |
ethnicity | string | The ethnicity (or ethnicities) of a person. A country may define which of these terms (race, nationality, ethnicity) be used and how they are defined. One or more properties may be used by a country. A predefined country list allows a person to specify their ethnicity. |
gender | Concept | The gender of a person. |
legalId | IdentifierType | An identifier of the organization for legal purposes. This could be a company, state, or other kind of identifier. For example, Data Universal Numbering System, abbreviated as DUNS. |
militaryStatus | string | The military status of a person. |
previousLegalId | IdentifierType | The previous legal identifier of a person. The issuer is most likely a country or state. |
residenceCountry | Concept | The country (or countries) where a person currently resides. |
Propriétés de PersonReferenceType | ||
communication | CommunicationType | The methods of communication by which the organization can be contacted. |
id | IdentifierType EntityType | Identifier for an assessment access type. |
name | string NameType PersonNameType | Name of the additional item. |
primaryLanguage | Concept | |
Propriétés de PersonLegalInclusion | ||
birthPlace | string | The birth place of the person. |
deathDate | DateTimeType | If the person is deceased, the legal date that the person died. |
employmentPermits | EmploymentPermitType | The permissions of a person to work (within an administrative unit). |
fatherName | string | The surname of the father of the person. |
legalDocuments | LegalDocumentType | Legal Documents. |
maritalStatus | string | The marital status of the person. |
maritalStatusDate | DateType | The date for the marital status of the person. |
motherName | string | The surname of the mother of the person. |
nationality | string | The nationality (or nationalities) of the person. A country may define which of these terms (race, nationality, ethnicity) be used and how they are defined. One or more properties may be used by a country. A predefined country list allows a person to specify their nationality. |
passportId | IdentifierType | DEPRECATED - Use Legal Documents Property |
race | string | The identified race(s) of the person. A country may define which of these terms (race, nationality, ethnicity) will be used and how they are defined. One or more properties may be used by a country. A predefined country list allows a person to specify their race. |
religion | string | The religions of the person of the person. |
studentIndicator | IndicatorType | An indicator as to whether the individual currently is enrolled as a student within a specific class of educational institution. This is component is attributed with effective dating. |
studentStatus | CodeType | The status of the student (if the person is a student). Typically used to indicate special states such as 'Suspended'. |
studentType | CodeType | The type of student (if the person is a student). Typically used to indicate 'full-time' or 'part-time' status. |
visa | string | DEPRECATED - Use Legal Documents Property |
Propriétés de PersonPhysicalInclusion | ||
age | integer | The age of a person (in years). |
bloodType | CodeType | The blood type of a person. |
disability | DisabilityType | A type of disability that a person has. |
eyeColor | string | The color of the eyes of a person. |
hairColor | string | The color of the hair of a person. |
height | MeasureType | The height of the person. |
identifyingMarks | string | A list of identifying marks of a person. |
tobaccoUserIndicator | IndicatorType | An indicator that a person is a tobacco user. |
weight | CompetencyWeightType MeasureType WeightType | A number expressing the relative importance of a particular component (e.g., a position competency) among sibling components. Weights are most frequently expressed a percentage (where the weights assigned to individual sibling competencies would total 100 percent when totaled), but they may be expressed using another numeric scale. |
Propriétés de PersonProfileInclusion | ||
affiliations | OrganizationAffiliationType | The organizations with which the person is affiliated. |
attachments | AttachmentType | Attachments related to the position profile. |
certifications | CertificationType | The certifications that the person holds. |
education | EducationAttendanceType | The education history of the person. |
employment | EmploymentType EmployerHistoryType | Deprecated. Use common/WorkLifeCycle instead. |
languageCode | Concept | The default language in which the position is presented to the outside world. |
licenses | LicenseType | The licenses that the person holds. |
militaryService | MilitaryServiceType | The military history of the person. |
patents | PatentType | The patents with which the person is involved. |
profileName | string | The name given to the profile. Often used in systems where multiple versions of a PositionProfile may be managed. |
publications | PublicationType | The publications with which the person is involved. |
qualifications | PersonCompetencyType | The competencies of the person. |
references | RefereeType | The references of the person. |
securityCredentials | CertificationType | The security credentials that the person holds. |
Classes plus spécifiques
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Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe
Il n'existe pas de propriétés valorisant directement PersonType.
Mais sans doute l'une des classes parentes suivantes:Examples
@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022