Comment: Contains details about the student's degree. A degree is a recognized completion of studies at a school (such as a college or university). A certificate, which may be a diploma or degree, is generally issued in recognition of having completed the course of study.
Représentation Entity Graph
hrrdf:EducationDegreeTypePropriétés de l'objet
hrrdf:EducationDegreeTypePropriété | Type(s) cible | Description |
Propriétés de EducationDegreeType | ||
academicHonors | string | |
codes | CodeType | |
date | DateType FormattedDateTimeType TimeType | The date of the disposition change. |
degreeGrantedStatus | Concept | Current education degree granted status. |
id | IdentifierType EntityType | Identifier for an assessment access type. |
iscedEducationLevelCode | Concept | ISCED: International Standard Classification of Education - is the standard classification of the education level of this requirement. |
name | string NameType PersonNameType | Name of the additional item. |
score | ScoreType | |
specializations | EducationSpecializationType | The focus of study for the student's degree. This may include majors, minors, emphasis or other foci. |
Classes plus spécifiques
hrrdf:EducationDegreeTypePas de classes plus spécifiques
Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe
hrrdf:EducationDegreeTypeLes instances de EducationDegreeType peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :
Propriété | Description | Classe(s) avec cette propriété |
educationDegrees | The degrees which were awarded or in process at the institution. | EducationAttendanceType |
hrrdf:EducationDegreeType@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024