Représentation Entity Graph
hrrdf:AmountTypeClasses plus spécifiques
hrrdf:AmountTypePropriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe
hrrdf:AmountTypeLes instances de AmountType peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :
Propriété | Description | Classe(s) avec cette propriété |
accountingValue | A representation of the valuation of the stock based award that is granted to the recipient | LongTermIncentivePlanType |
actualAmount | The amount actually deducted after processing payroll. | RemunerationOrDeductionType |
actualServiceChargeAmount | The actual service charge amount or adminstrative fee levied. | GarnishmentInstructionType |
amount | The amount of the given election. | ElectionType CoverageLevelType NonVoluntaryBenefitAmountType VoluntaryBenefitAmountType PaymentDistributionType TaxableCompensationType WithholdingAmountType ExpenseType PayRateType |
baseAmount | Unamed__packageCost | |
basisAmount | The monetary amount on which the remuneration or deduction amount is calculated. | Unamed__basis |
bonusSupplement | An additional amount paid based in the form of a bonus for working a shift | Unamed__differential |
carryOverAmount | The amount that can be carried over to subsequent plan year. | PlanSetupType |
contributionAmount | EmployerContributionType | |
employerAmount | The amount the employer contributes to the deduction type. For example, $10 for certification dues. | RemunerationOrDeductionType |
flatPremiumAmount | A fixed amount paid based on working a shift | Unamed__differential |
grantPrice | The price of the stock unit that is granted to the recipient | LongTermIncentivePlanType |
inheritanceAmount | BeneficiaryType | |
maximumAmount | The maximum amount a person is willing to accept or an organization is willing to pay for a position. | RemunerationRangeType |
maximumContribution | AccountBasedPlanSetupType | |
maximumServiceChargeAmount | The maximum service charge amount or administration fee a processor can levy. If amount is specificed, the indicator is not used. | GarnishmentInstructionType |
minimumAmount | The minimum amount a person is willing to accept or an organization is willing to pay for a position. | RemunerationRangeType |
minimumContribution | AccountBasedPlanSetupType | |
originalBalanceAmount | The total amount to be withheld over the life of this deduction. | RemunerationOrDeductionType |
protectedEarningsAmount | The amount of earnings to be left to the employee when deducting this garnishment. | GarnishmentInstructionType |
referenceAmount | A reference to an associated monetary amount. A monetary quantity. An attribute is available to express the currency in which the amount is expressed. | RemunerationRangeType |
remainingBalanceAmount | The current amount of the deduction after processing payroll. | RemunerationOrDeductionType |
requestedAmount | The amount to be deducted, if available. | RemunerationOrDeductionType |
requestedRate | The rate to be used for the number of units being processed, if available. | RemunerationOrDeductionType |
revenue | The amount of revenue of the organization, typically from the most recent fiscal year. | OrganizationType |
salaryAmount | The agreed upon fixed or set monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services, that was not based on hours worked or production level. Salary is commonly paid in fixed intervals, for example, monthly payments of one-twelfth of the annual salary. | DirectCompensationType |
serviceChargeAmount | The requested service charge amount or adminstrative fee to be levied. | GarnishmentInstructionType |
statisticAmount | The resulting amount of the statistic for the reward of this job | ResultType |
targetAmount | The value that is expected to be awarded for this remuneration award | Unamed__clientProvidedTarget |
timeOffPayAmount | The monetary value paid to the worker. | TimeOffCompensationAmountType |
totalAmount | Includes baseAmount and additionalAmounts. | Unamed__packageCost |
totalCompensationAmount | The total monetary amount of all cash, cash-equivalent and non-cash compensation that was paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services, for work or time off from work. Includes payments directly to the worker as well as the dollar value of non-cash fringe benefits paid indirectly to the worker. | WorkerCompensationType |
totalDirectCompensationAmount | The total monetary amount of all forms of cash or cash-equivalent compensation paid by the employer directly to the employee for her or his services, for work or time off from work. | WorkerCompensationType |
totalHolidayPaidTimeOffAmount | The total monetary amount a worker was paid for absence from work on days of special religious, cultural, social, or patriotic significance, on which work and business ordinarily cease. | DirectCompensationType |
totalHourlyWageAmount | The total monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services based on hourly rates of pay and the number of hours worked. Includes pay for both regular hours (straight-time) and premium hours (overtime, shift differentials) worked. | DirectCompensationType |
totalIndirectCompensationAmount | The total monetary value of all compensation and contributions paid by the employer for the worker’s legally required and discretionary (voluntary) non-cash fringe benefits. | WorkerCompensationType |
totalInsurancePremiumsWithholdingAmount | The total monetary amount withheld by the employer from the worker's pay to cover the worker's contribution to insurance premiums. | WorkerWithholdingType |
totalNonVoluntaryBenefitAmount | The total monetary value of compensation paid by the employer for a worker's legally required non-cash benefits. In the US, this would include employer contributions to Social Security, Medicare, FUTA, state Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, and any other government-mandated benefits. | IndirectCompensationType |
totalOtherCompensationAmount | The total monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid to a worker other than salary, hourly wages, and paid leave. Includes, but is not limited to bonuses, commissions, lump-sum, residuals, severance, tips, and incentive, piecework, production-based payments, and buy back of accrued leave. | DirectCompensationType |
totalOtherWithholdingAmount | The total of all other monetary amounts withheld by the employer from the worker's pay for other than taxes, insurance and retirement. | WorkerWithholdingType |
totalPaidTimeoffAmount | The total monetary amount the employer paid to a worker for any type of absence from work including vacation, sickness, bereavement, maternity, family care, jury duty, education, military duty, administrative time off, sabbatical, or other personal leave. Includes compensatory time off (CTO) when used. | DirectCompensationType |
totalPremiumHourlyWageAmount | The total monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid to a worker based on a premium hourly rate of pay and the number of premium hours worked. | DirectCompensationType |
totalRetirementWithholdingAmount | The total monetary amount withheld by the employer from the worker's pay to cover the worker's contribution to retirement. | WorkerWithholdingType |
totalTaxWithholdingAmount | The monetary amount withheld by the employer from the worker's pay to cover the worker's contribution to taxes. | WorkerWithholdingType |
totalVoluntaryBenefitAmount | Total monetary value of employer-paid contributions for discretionary fringe benefits provided to the worker, including insurance, retirement, and savings. | IndirectCompensationType |
totalWorkerWithholdingAmount | The total monetary amount withheld by the employer from the worker's pay for all purposes. | WorkerCompensationType |
typeCode | Type code for an additional amount. | AdditionalAmountType AdditionalItemType BenefitsHireType CoverageLevelType NonVoluntaryBenefitAmountType VoluntaryBenefitAmountType TaxableCompensationType WithholdingAmountType Unamed__applicationCloseDate TimeCardItemType WorkLocationType RemunerationOrDeductionType RemunerationRangeType WorkAllocationType HireType |
valueAmount | Total Reward amount (including any additional payments) | Unamed__clientProvidedValue |
volumeAmount | CoverageLevelType | |
workedPayAmount | The monetary value paid to the worker. | WorkedCompensationAmountType |
hrrdf:AmountType@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024