Abstract result

Comment: The base class of validation results, typically not instantiated directly.

Représentation Entity Graph

Propriétés de l'objet

PropriétéType(s) cibleDescription
Propriétés de Abstract result
detailAbstract result
Links a result with other results that provide more details, for example to describe violations against nested shapes.
focus nodeThe focus node that was validated when the result was produced.
result messageHuman-readable messages explaining the cause of the result.
result pathResource
The path of a validation result, based on the path of the validated property shape.
result severitySeverity
The severity of the result, e.g. warning.
source constraintThe constraint that was validated when the result was produced.
source constraint componentConstraint component
The constraint component that is the source of the result.
source shapeShape
The shape that is was validated when the result was produced.
valueAn RDF node that has caused the result.
Propriétés de Resource
The subject is an instance of a class.
Idiomatic property used for structured values.
A description of the subject resource.
The defininition of the subject resource.
A human-readable name for the subject.
A member of the subject resource.
Further information about the subject resource.
The property that determines the predicate of an annotated axiom or annotated annotation.
The property that determines the subject of an annotated axiom or annotated annotation.
The property that determines the object of an annotated axiom or annotated annotation.
The property that determines the collection of members in either a owl:AllDifferent, owl:AllDisjointClasses or owl:AllDisjointProperties axiom.

Classes plus spécifiques

Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe

Les instances de Abstract result peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :

PropriétéDescriptionClasse(s) avec cette propriété
detailLinks a result with other results that provide more details, for example to describe violations against nested shapes.Abstract result


@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples

MindMatcher.org - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022