
Comment: The class of RDF Lists.

Représentation Entity Graph

Propriétés de l'objet

PropriétéType(s) cibleDescription
Propriétés de List
The first item in the subject RDF list.
The rest of the subject RDF list after the first item.
Propriétés de Resource
The subject is an instance of a class.
Idiomatic property used for structured values.
A description of the subject resource.
The defininition of the subject resource.
A human-readable name for the subject.
A member of the subject resource.
Further information about the subject resource.
The property that determines the predicate of an annotated axiom or annotated annotation.
The property that determines the subject of an annotated axiom or annotated annotation.
The property that determines the object of an annotated axiom or annotated annotation.
The property that determines the collection of members in either a owl:AllDifferent, owl:AllDisjointClasses or owl:AllDisjointProperties axiom.

Classes plus spécifiques

Pas de classes plus spécifiques

Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe

Les instances de List peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :

PropriétéDescriptionClasse(s) avec cette propriété
alternative pathThe (single) value of this property must be a list of path elements, representing the elements of alternative paths.
andRDF list of shapes to validate the value nodes against.
ignored propertiesAn optional RDF list of properties that are also permitted in addition to those explicitly enumerated via sh:property/sh:path.
inSpecifies a list of allowed values so that each value node must be among the members of the given list.
language inSpecifies a list of language tags that all value nodes must have.
orSpecifies a list of shapes so that the value nodes must conform to at least one of the shapes.
exactly oneSpecifies a list of shapes so that the value nodes must conform to exactly one of the shapes.
has member listFor any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property.Ordered Collection
restThe rest of the subject RDF list after the first item.List
disjointUnionOfThe property that determines that a given class is equivalent to the disjoint union of a collection of other classes.Class
distinctMembersThe property that determines the collection of pairwise different individuals in a owl:AllDifferent axiom.AllDifferent
hasKeyThe property that determines the collection of properties that jointly build a key.Class
intersectionOfThe property that determines the collection of classes or data ranges that build an intersection.Class
membersThe property that determines the collection of members in either a owl:AllDifferent, owl:AllDisjointClasses or owl:AllDisjointProperties axiom.Resource
onPropertiesThe property that determines the n-tuple of properties that a property restriction on an n-ary data range refers to.Restriction
oneOfThe property that determines the collection of individuals or data values that build an enumeration.Class
propertyChainAxiomThe property that determines the n-tuple of properties that build a sub property chain of a given property.ObjectProperty
unionOfThe property that determines the collection of classes or data ranges that build a union.Class
withRestrictionsThe property that determines the collection of facet-value pairs that define a datatype restriction.Datatype


@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022