Comment: When the employer offers such benefit as a separate accrued leave, the number of hours a worker was paid by the employer for absence from work on days of special religious, cultural, social, or patriotic significance, on which work and business ordinarily cease. Includes public and floating holiday paid leave.
Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)
hrrdf:totalHolidayPaidTimeOffHoursNote: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue
WorkerPaidHoursType }o..o{ NumberType : totalHolidayPaidTimeOffHours
Cette propriété est associée aux classes :
hrrdf:totalHolidayPaidTimeOffHoursNom | Description |
WorkerPaidHoursType | The hours a worker was paid for time off or actual time worked. |
Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :
hrrdf:totalHolidayPaidTimeOffHoursNom | Description |
NumberType | A mathematical number that is assigned or is determined by calculation. | - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024