- The position title which might be presented to candidates.
- The position title which might be presented to interviewees.
- A short phrase describing the position as it would be listed on a business card or in a company directory. OED: An appellation attaching to a position in virtue of rank, function or office.
- The job title of the Referee.
Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)
hrrdf:positionTitleNote: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue
AsynchronousOrderType }o..o{ string : positionTitle
PositionType }o..o{ string : positionTitle
SynchronousOrderType }o..o{ string : positionTitle
AssociatedPositionOpeningType }o..o{ string : positionTitle
BasePositionProfileType }o..o{ string : positionTitle
RefereeType }o..o{ string : positionTitle
Cette propriété est associée aux classes :
hrrdf:positionTitleNom | Description |
AsynchronousOrderType | Provides the information needed to order the Interview. |
PositionType | Information about the position. |
SynchronousOrderType | Provides the information needed to order the Interview synchronously. |
AssociatedPositionOpeningType | Contains details answering the questions: 1. What, if any, are the position openings with which is the candidate associated? 2. How did the candidate become associated with those positions? The positionOpeningId, positionTitle, and positionUri components address the first question. The candidateAppliedIndicator addresses the second question. All elements are optional. In general, a candidate becomes associated with a position by applying to be considered for the position or by having been sourced and matched to the opening through some manner of automated and/or human-initiated recruiting or research process. |
BasePositionProfileType | The core information about a job or position opening. |
RefereeType | A person who may be referred to for information or guidance on the character or other qualities of someone e.g. an applicant for employment or for an academic or other award. |
Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :
hrrdf:positionTitleNom | Description |
string | - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024