

- The percentage of the payment. This is only relevant for the secondary account in the event of a partial distribution.

- The percentage of time required (or willing) to travel for a position. For example, a person needs (or is willing) to travel 25% of his or her regularly scheduled hours.

- The percentage the entity spends on the activity.

- The percentage of a person's allocation that is considered the special classification.

- The amount of disability as a percentage of impairment. This should be defined by a medical board based on standards.

Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)

Note: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue

erDiagram PaymentDistributionType }o..o{ PercentType : percentage TravelType }o..o{ PercentType : percentage EstablishmentActivityType }o..o{ PercentType : percentage CostAllocationType }o..o{ PercentType : percentage SpecialClassificationType }o..o{ PercentType : percentage DisabilitySummaryType }o..o{ PercentType : percentage SpecialClassificationTypeArray }o..o{ PercentType : percentage

Cette propriété est associée aux classes :

PaymentDistributionTypeDescribes how to distribute the payment among the accounts.
TravelTypeInformation regarding travel - preferences or necessities.
EstablishmentActivityTypeThe business activities conducted at the establishment.
CostAllocationTypeContains percentage table per identifier of an account, department, or other entity to which an item should be allocated.
SpecialClassificationTypeA special classification of the Employee e.g. a VIP, Owner, Highly Compensated, Stock Owner, Executive, Officer, etc.
DisabilitySummaryTypeDescribes a disability associated with a specified person. Want of ability to discharge a function. Incapacity in the eye of the law.
SpecialClassificationTypeArrayA special classification of the Employee e.g. a VIP, Owner, Highly Compensated, Stock Owner, Executive, Officer, etc.

Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :

PercentTypeA percent is a value representing a fraction of one hundred, expressed as a quotient. - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022