

- Basic information to reference a specific organization.

- The department, sub-company, office, or other sub-organization to which the person was employed.

- The specific organization to which the person held positions or performed work.

- The specific organization to which the person is affiliated.

- The organization the person is working for.

Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)


Note: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue

erDiagram DistributionType }o..o{ OrganizationType : organization DistributionType }o..o{ OrganizationReferenceType : organization organizationObject }o..o{ OrganizationType : organization organizationObject }o..o{ OrganizationReferenceType : organization ProcessPartyType }o..o{ OrganizationType : organization ProcessPartyType }o..o{ OrganizationReferenceType : organization EmployerHistoryType }o..o{ OrganizationType : organization EmployerHistoryType }o..o{ OrganizationReferenceType : organization PositionHistoryType }o..o{ OrganizationType : organization PositionHistoryType }o..o{ OrganizationReferenceType : organization OrganizationAffiliationType }o..o{ OrganizationType : organization OrganizationAffiliationType }o..o{ OrganizationReferenceType : organization DeploymentType }o..o{ OrganizationType : organization DeploymentType }o..o{ OrganizationReferenceType : organization

Cette propriété est associée aux classes :

DistributionTypeThe person or organization to which objects should (not) be distributed, and the related effective dates.
ProcessPartyTypeA type defining the party, which may be a person or organization or both.
EmployerHistoryTypeThe prior and current details of a person's employment, work, or relevant experience such as might be reported within a professional profile, CV, resume, employment application, or similar document. Details of a particular tenure of employment or work with an organization.
PositionHistoryTypeThe details about a persons tenure within position.
OrganizationAffiliationTypeContains information about a person's affiliation with a trade, professional, or similar organization or group formed around a common purpose or cause.
DeploymentTypeContains a collection of information about the work of a human resource within an employment or work context. Deployment details include information about a resource's job, position, work schedule, assignment entry reason, as well as information identifying the organization and/or organizational sub-units associated with the deployment.

Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :

OrganizationTypeInformation to identify and reference a specific organization.
OrganizationReferenceTypeBasic information to reference a specific organization. - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024