- Attachment references supporting the history entry.
- References to attachments in the message that provide evidence of the issue or the validity of the license.
- Related attachment references for the affiliated organization.
- References to the patent.
- A reference to an attachment related to the publication.
- A reference to an attachment related to the Referee and the person.
- Attachment references supporting the disability summary.
Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)
hrrdf:attachmentReferencesNote: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue
PersonCompetencyType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
PositionCompetencyType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
BaseHistoryType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
CertificationType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
OrganizationAffiliationType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
PatentType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
PublicationType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
RefereeType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
DisabilitySummaryType }o..o{ AttachmentReferenceType : attachmentReferences
Cette propriété est associée aux classes :
hrrdf:attachmentReferencesNom | Description |
PersonCompetencyType | A specified person competency is a competency within the context of a personal record (profile, appraisal, assessment) assessed or asserted at specified level of proficiency. |
PositionCompetencyType | A qualified position competency has a specified required and/or desired level of proficiency and has an explicit or implicit level of importance (weight) among sibling competencies associated with a position. |
BaseHistoryType | Basic type that contains all properties common to a person's profile history entry - intended for use in education history, employment history or military history. |
CertificationType | A document or confirmation certifying the status or acquirements of the bearer, or his fulfillment of conditions which authorize him to act or practise in a specified way; hence, often equal to a certificate. |
OrganizationAffiliationType | Contains information about a person's affiliation with a trade, professional, or similar organization or group formed around a common purpose or cause. |
PatentType | Basic type that contains all properties common to represent a patent. |
PublicationType | Basic type that contains all properties common to publication, which could be print or electronic. |
RefereeType | A person who may be referred to for information or guidance on the character or other qualities of someone e.g. an applicant for employment or for an academic or other award. |
DisabilitySummaryType | Describes a disability associated with a specified person. Want of ability to discharge a function. Incapacity in the eye of the law. |
Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :
hrrdf:attachmentReferencesNom | Description |
AttachmentReferenceType | A reference to an attachment that is within the current context of the document, or an external reference. | - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024