- The amount of the given election.
- The monetary value of the non-voluntary benefit.
- The monetary value of the voluntary benefit.
- The amount of the payment. This is only relevant for the secondary account in the event of a partial distribution.
- Monetary value of taxable wage.
- Monetary value of withholding amount.
Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)
hrrdf:amountNote: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue
ElectionType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
CoverageLevelType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
NonVoluntaryBenefitAmountType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
VoluntaryBenefitAmountType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
PaymentDistributionType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
TaxableCompensationType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
WithholdingAmountType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
ExpenseType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
PayRateType }o..o{ AmountType : amount
Cette propriété est associée aux classes :
hrrdf:amountNom | Description |
ElectionType | The detail of a given election including the amount, frequency and source. |
CoverageLevelType | |
NonVoluntaryBenefitAmountType | Describes the type and amount of benefits paid by the employer. |
VoluntaryBenefitAmountType | The type and amount of voluntary benefit compensation. |
PaymentDistributionType | Describes how to distribute the payment among the accounts. |
TaxableCompensationType | Type and monetary value reported in government reports. In the US, an example would be the Internal Revenue Service Form W-2. |
WithholdingAmountType | Type and monetary value withheld from an worker. This may include taxes, premiums, and retirement withholdings. |
ExpenseType | This allows for the reporting of expenses for reimbursement or payment. TimeCard is not designed as an all-purpose expense-reporting format, but rather is designed to accommodate the type of expenses that are reported and reimbursed in the context of staffing assignments. |
PayRateType | Associates billing and/or pay rate information with time worked information reported on an entity. |
Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :
hrrdf:amountNom | Description |
AmountType | An amount is a number of monetary units specified in a currency. | - Build with love on open-souce tool `rdfx-dashboard` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2024