

- The amount of the given election.

- The monetary value of the non-voluntary benefit.

- The monetary value of the voluntary benefit.

- The amount of the payment. This is only relevant for the secondary account in the event of a partial distribution.

- Monetary value of taxable wage.

- Monetary value of withholding amount.

Entity Relationship Représentation (ER Diagram)

Note: cette représentation n'est - pour l'heure - pas exacte car dépendante de cette issue

erDiagram ElectionType }o..o{ AmountType : amount CoverageLevelType }o..o{ AmountType : amount NonVoluntaryBenefitAmountType }o..o{ AmountType : amount VoluntaryBenefitAmountType }o..o{ AmountType : amount PaymentDistributionType }o..o{ AmountType : amount TaxableCompensationType }o..o{ AmountType : amount WithholdingAmountType }o..o{ AmountType : amount ExpenseType }o..o{ AmountType : amount PayRateType }o..o{ AmountType : amount

Cette propriété est associée aux classes :

ElectionTypeThe detail of a given election including the amount, frequency and source.
NonVoluntaryBenefitAmountTypeDescribes the type and amount of benefits paid by the employer.
VoluntaryBenefitAmountTypeThe type and amount of voluntary benefit compensation.
PaymentDistributionTypeDescribes how to distribute the payment among the accounts.
TaxableCompensationTypeType and monetary value reported in government reports. In the US, an example would be the Internal Revenue Service Form W-2.
WithholdingAmountTypeType and monetary value withheld from an worker. This may include taxes, premiums, and retirement withholdings.
ExpenseTypeThis allows for the reporting of expenses for reimbursement or payment. TimeCard is not designed as an all-purpose expense-reporting format, but rather is designed to accommodate the type of expenses that are reported and reimbursed in the context of staffing assignments.
PayRateTypeAssociates billing and/or pay rate information with time worked information reported on an entity.

Les valeurs pouvant être associées à cette propriété :

AmountTypeAn amount is a number of monetary units specified in a currency. - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022