
Comment: A percent is a value representing a fraction of one hundred, expressed as a quotient.

Représentation Entity Graph

Propriétés de l'objet

PropriétéType(s) cibleDescription
Propriétés de PercentType

Classes plus spécifiques

Pas de classes plus spécifiques

Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe

Les instances de PercentType peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :

PropriétéDescriptionClasse(s) avec cette propriété
employerPercentageThe percent the employer contributes to the deduction type. For example 4% for retirement.RemunerationOrDeductionType
hourlyBaseRatePercentAn amount paid based on the number of hours worked during a shiftUnamed__differential
matchPercentA score provided by the person matching the employer job to the survey job for applicability: with 0% meaning no applicability and 100% meaning exact matchMatchType
percentageThe percentage of the payment. This is only relevant for the secondary account in the event of a partial distribution.PaymentDistributionType
requestedPercentageThe percent to be withheld. For example, an elected 3% retirement deduction.RemunerationOrDeductionType
statisticPercentThe resulting percent of the statistic for the reward of this jobResultType
stockOwnerPercentageThe percentage of stock ownership.WorkerType
targetPercentThe percent of a basis expected to be awarded for this remuneration awardUnamed__clientProvidedTarget
valuePercentReward as a percentage of (applicable) Base in case reward is in percentageUnamed__clientProvidedValue


@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022