
Comment: An indicator is a list of two mutually exclusive boolean values that express the only possible states of a property.

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Propriétés de l'objet

PropriétéType(s) cibleDescription
Propriétés de IndicatorType

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Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe

Les instances de IndicatorType peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :

PropriétéDescriptionClasse(s) avec cette propriété
candidateAppliedIndicatorAn indicator that the candidate applied to this associated position.AssociatedPositionOpeningType
cashIndicatorAn indicator of whether this remuneration is paid in cashUnamed__clientProvidedValue
COBRAEligibleIndicatorAn indicator as to whether an enrollee of the plan may be eligible for COBRA.PlanSetupType
COBRAEnrollmentIndicatorAn indicator as to whether the plan restricts enrollments to only COBRA participants.PlanSetupType
currentIndicator that the person's history entry is currently active (i.e. if education, still at the school. If work history, still working at the organization)BaseHistoryType
currentlyAttendingIndicatorIndicator that the person is still attending.EducationAttendanceType
currentRankIndicatorAn indicator that the rank is currently held as part of active service. Do not use this indicator if the person is no longer holding this rank.MilitaryServiceType
debitCardIndicatorAn indicator as to whether the plan allows debit card as a form of reimbursement.PlanSetupType
deceasedIndicatorAn indicator that the subscriber is deceased.SubscriberPersonType
declinedToProvideIndicatorIndicates the employer has declined to provide a status.WorkRelationshipStatusType
DEEducationAuthorizationIndicatorA German education authorization indicator.DEPositionClassificationType
disabilityIndicatorLegal details about a person, e.g. passport, parents names, marital status.PersonLegalType
doNotRedistributeIndicatorAn indicator to not redistribute this to other third parties.DistributionGuidelinesType
eligibleIndicatorIs the Employee eligible for this reward or notLongTermIncentivePlanType
eoiOnFileWithEmployerIndicatorIndicates if the Evidence of Insurability document is on file with the employer.RateBasedCoverageType
eoiRequiredIndictatorIndicates if the Evidence of Insurability document is required.RateBasedCoverageType
exemptIndicatorAn indicator of position's coverage under applicable wage-hour law. For example, the U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and implementing regulations. Enumerated values are: exempt and non-exempt. NOTE: In the U.S., while it is common to classify a position as exempt or non-exempt, actual coverage under the law usually is determined on the basis of an employee's actual performance or engagement within a workweek and not on whether an employee is assigned to or associated with a position that an employer has classified as "exempt" or "nonexempt".USPositionClassificationType
fillByContractorIndicatorIndicates that this position should be filled by an independent or third party contractor.PositionType
fillByStudentIndicatorIndicates that this position should be filled by a student.PositionType
fillByVolunteerIndicatorIndicates that this position should be filled by a volunteer.PositionType
fixedIndicatorAn indicator of whether this remuneration is fixed, if not then it is variableUnamed__clientProvidedValue
flaggedIndicatorTypically a true or false value indicating whether or not the service is flagged. For example, a value of 'true' may indicate flagged information was found. Specific to each Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA).ServiceReportType
fulfillmentScoreIsRequiredMissedIndicatorFulfillment score indicator that a required criterion is missed.RelevanceScoreDetailsItemType
goodStandingIndicatorIndicator that the person is currently in good standing according to the rules of the educational institution.EducationAttendanceType
immediateStartIndicatorAn indicator that the person could start immediately.PersonAvailabilityType
incurServicesOnLeaveIndicatorDetermination if the person can continue to use their benefits for new expenses incurred while they are on leave.LeaveType
indicatorAn indicator of the special classification.SpecialClassificationType
internalCandidateIndicatorIndicates whether a subject is a candidate for a position with the customer party.AssessmentSubjectType
isCopyRequiredIndicatorIndicates if court copies need to be obtained.CourtSearchOptionsType
isRequiredThe search criterion is required to be in the matching items.WeightType
laborBargainingUnitIndicatorIndicates if the person is part of a labor bargaining unit, such as a union.DeploymentType
laborBargainingUnitMemberIndicatorDeprecated. Do Not Use. Use the LaborBargainingUnitIndicator in DeploymentType instead.EmployeeType
managerIndicatorSpecifies if the job is at the management level.JobType
newHireProbationaryIndicatorIndicates if the person is a new hire.DeploymentType
officerIndicatorIndicates whether the worker is classified as an officer.WorkerType
oneTimeIndicatorTrue for a one time deduction and False for a recurring deduction.RemunerationOrDeductionType
paidForWorkIndicatorIndicate if worker was paid in PayPeriodMonthDay and ReportedYearMonth.PaidForWorkInPayPeriodType
partialGarnishmentAllowedIndicatorTrue: If there isn't enough pay to cover the full garnishment, deduct part of the garnishment.GarnishmentInstructionType
passedIndicatorPass or fail indicator.AssessmentScoreType
permanentEligibleIndicatorAn arrangement where a worker is hired on a short-term contract on the condition that they may be hired for a permanent position.PositionType
relevanceScoreIsRequiredMissedIndicatorRelevance score indicator that at least one required criterion is missed in the item. Remark: Only needed if such search results are forced to be considered.SearchResultItemType
remainingBalanceIndicatorSpecifies if the remaining amount should be applied to this account.PaymentDistributionType
rollForwardIndicatorAn indicator as to whether the ‘First of month’ waiting rule type can be rolled forward to the first of the following month when the hire date falls on the first of the month.WaitingRuleType
selfScheduleIndicatorIndicates the candidate may schedule the interview at their convenience.SynchronousOrderType
separatedIndicatorIndicates the worker has been separated from the organization.WorkRelationshipStatusType
serviceChargeFeeIndicatorSpecifies if a standard administration fee may be charged. If indicator is specified, the amount is not used.GarnishmentInstructionType
stockOwnerIndicatorIndicates whether the worker is a stock owner.WorkerType
studentIndicatorAn indicator as to whether the individual currently is enrolled as a student within a specific class of educational institution. This is component is attributed with effective dating.PersonLegalInclusion
taxableIndicatorAn indicator which describes if this remuneration is taxableUnamed__clientProvidedValue
tobaccoUserIndicatorAn indicator that a person is a tobacco user.PersonPhysicalInclusion
unemploymentCompensationCoverageIndicatorAn indicator of whether the employee is covered by some type of unemployment insurance.WorkerType
wageHourLawCoverageIndicatorThis determines if a person is covered by wage hour laws. In the US, a person would be considered non-exempt if the indicator is true (they are covered under the law).DeploymentType
willingToRelocateIndicatorIndicates whether relocation is an option for the candidate or considered by the hiring company.RelocationType
willingToTravelIndicatorIndicates that a person is willing to travel within the capacity of his or her position.TravelType
workerCompensationCoverageIndicatorAn indicator of whether the employee is covered by some type of worker compensation insurance.WorkerType


@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022