
Comment: The monetary compensation paid to a worker.

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Propriétés de l'objet

PropriétéType(s) cibleDescription
Propriétés de DirectCompensationType
The monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid to a worker other than salary, hourly wages, and paid leave. Includes, but is not limited to bonuses, commissions, lump-sum, residuals, severance, tips, and incentive, piecework, production-based payments, and buy back of accrued leave.
The monetary amount the employer paid to a worker for any type of absence from work including vacation, sickness, bereavement, maternity, family care, jury duty, education, military duty, administrative time off, sabbatical, or other personal leave. Includes compensatory time off (CTO) when used.
The monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services.
The monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services.
The agreed upon fixed or set monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services, that was not based on hours worked or production level. Salary is commonly paid in fixed intervals, for example, monthly payments of one-twelfth of the annual salary.
The total monetary amount a worker was paid for absence from work on days of special religious, cultural, social, or patriotic significance, on which work and business ordinarily cease.
The total monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid by the employer to a worker for her or his services based on hourly rates of pay and the number of hours worked. Includes pay for both regular hours (straight-time) and premium hours (overtime, shift differentials) worked.
The total monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid to a worker other than salary, hourly wages, and paid leave. Includes, but is not limited to bonuses, commissions, lump-sum, residuals, severance, tips, and incentive, piecework, production-based payments, and buy back of accrued leave.
The total monetary amount the employer paid to a worker for any type of absence from work including vacation, sickness, bereavement, maternity, family care, jury duty, education, military duty, administrative time off, sabbatical, or other personal leave. Includes compensatory time off (CTO) when used.
The total monetary amount of cash or cash-equivalent (currency, coin, check, or direct deposit) compensation paid to a worker based on a premium hourly rate of pay and the number of premium hours worked.

Classes plus spécifiques

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Propriétés ayant pour valeur une instance de cette classe

Les instances de DirectCompensationType peuvent être des valeurs des propriétés suivantes :

PropriétéDescriptionClasse(s) avec cette propriété
directCompensationAmountThe monetary compensation paid to a worker.WorkerCompensationType


@TODO: Affichage des exemples et définition du processus de saisie de ces examples - Build with love on open-souce tool `DashLod` - Contribute on Gitlab - Apache License, Version 2.0 - 2021 -> 2022